Aid movement and muscle health with regular massage and physical therapy sessions.
Soft tissue therapy and massage are great for your dog with arthritis as it helps to improve blood flow and circulation, loosening and lengthening tight muscles which helps relieve tension. It also improves lymphatic system circulation helping remove toxic build up in the tense muscles and joints.
Maintain joint health with physical therapy sessions.
Passive joint range of motion exercises are great for arthritic dogs, the benefits include:
- Preventing muscle misuse and overload
- Improves the suppleness of soft tissue and muscle fibres
- Improves range of motion of joints which can help improve mobility
- Prevents and helps relieve muscle adhesions
- Stimulate synovial fluid production
- Improve cartilage health and lubrication
Hydrotherapy sessions on a canine underwater treadmill.
Hydrotherapy is a fantastic way to help strengthen muscles, without the jarring effects caused by gravity in normal exercise. Water provides great buoyancy, relieving the impact on joints and the musculoskeletal system.
Hydrotherapy sessions are also very time-efficient. With greater resistance from the water level, a higher level of effort is required.
With a low-impact, time-efficient way to get your best friend moving, Hydrotherapy is a win-win for everyone.
Build cartilage health with natural glucosamine supplements.
Glucosamine is a vital component in building cartilage and can help reduce inflammation thus reducing degeneration of cartilage and collagen breakdown.
Maintain physical health with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
It is vital to maintain a healthy weight across your dogs life to reduce unnecessary impact and pressure on joints.
Maintaining an active lifestyle helps achieve and keep this healthy weight, while also providing important mental and physical stimulation. Make sure you exercise your dog consistently to avoid overloading muscles and prevent strain from suddenly using groups of muscles that have been inactive for an extended period.