Olive is 18 month old French Bulldog
Olive has has Patella surgery on RHL 5 weeks ago Vet Specialists of Sydney - VSOS
Is walking well on the leg but occasionally will skip when going faster.
Using Synovan - preventative reasons potential Osteoarthritis in future
Diet - Blackhawk Biscuits kangaroo + chicken, wet food - mince beef or chicken, and veges.
Supplements - Antinol
Exercise - Pre - surgery: 2-3 hours exercise a day + goes out morning + night. Off leash at the park, on leash on streets - likes to to play quite rough and likes to chase.
Doesn't like to swim, likes to run around.
Jumps on and off, but O have tried to reduce this since surgery.
RHL has some atrophy in gluteals - hamstrings - quads.
NO other underlying health issues