A 30-minute therapeutic session inside an underwater treadmill
Jada is quite nervous and anxious - listens to owner still though
Taken away from her mum at 5 weeks
Front left paw has line across as though something was stuck over it like a cord or something - happened between 3-5 weeks age.
Exercise - PRIOR - daycare 4 days per week, out on a farm running around off leash a lot.
Owner still goes out to throw ball, twice per day running around about 20 mins
Some days if she seems extra sore of tired owner will let Jada have a rest day at home.
When has been lying for an extended period and hops up, noticeably more sore.
NOT diagnosed osteoarthritis
Diet -organic raw diet - has vegetable and fruit mixed, BBQ chicken mixed with a high grade kibble.
Supplements - have suggested Flexicose, Antinol, 4cyte
Jumps onto and off lounge, but has her bed on the lounge.
Contraindications - heart disease, was fainting a lot so owner has reduced medication
Weight - 29/30 kgs.